Epic Armageddon Total War

18 - Istanor - The solemn Ivanor's gates, The defense of the western gates, the battle of the high guardians.

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view post Posted on 11/10/2014, 17:04




Initiative: ALLIES

"All fled, all done, so lift me on the pyre;
The feast is over and the lamps expire."

From here to eternity.

OST - ACDC- For Those About To Rock (with lyrics)


<< I love the smell of da' battlefield in da' morning! >>
Commander Kundra Von Grinda - Blood Axe warlord.



<< Blood Axes mercenaries, Ha! Ha! Damat, ...you are a true, authentic, certified son of a bitch! You did it! >>
General Daikun at the global vox devices, open channel.

The blood axes ork fleet, suddenly jumped out of the warp, took the traitorous forces by surprise them too, gaining precious time in the overall battle's develop, both in the sky and on the ground. The massive battle kroozers have engaged immediately the enemy fleet, rushing into the fray of the space battle, a vision that has become chaotic and uncoordinated, with no holds barred. While the bulk of the ork battle ships fight above Istanor's orbit, dozens of vessels full of boyz and their war machines fell toward the planet, occupying several key domains near the capital, and landing in the capital itself. Some were intercepted by the traitor and chaos ships, but the bulk came on the ground, to give a hand to the defenders, or even just a little bit of breath.


The cries, in the backlines of the city, are hopeful. Short and intense, but at the Solemn Ivanor's gates, reprecipitate early into mud, destruction and the more cruel death. The last act of the siege is going to be consumed, and now there are no more tricks up its sleeve for Daikun as for the brave and valiant captain of the space wolves, Krom Dragongaze. Only the stoic courage, daring self-sacrifice in battle, and the faith in their God Emperor.


A dense pestiferous fog, inflates of the last exhalations of the fallen and the smoke of the bombing rises and spreads through the walls district and rush inside the city, a gray funeral mantle in which the fighters are silhouetted shadows, like ghosts themselves. Along the great avenue of splendours, the square of truth is full of defenders, ready to repel the arrogant enemy. A battalion of rough riders, as it haven't seen for a long time, is ready to charge. In their midst, the guardian warhost of the Farseer Venier-Laąrl regroup, ready for action, when suddenly inside the fog an old flame blazes. The Avatar of Khaine is manifested.



Daikun and Dragongaze now have their operative quarters to a few tens of meters from each other, directly at the defense on the central front, behind the ruins of the destroyed solemn Ivanor's gates. Ahead of them, the horde of Slaanesh is ready to climb over the ruins. Few intense minutes full of tension, perhaps the latest tactical maneuvers, and then the battle will be written forever. it's time to bring the book in the royal palace of King Minos III°, it's soon time for Daikun, to prepare for the final battle.



Krom Dragongaze, without notice, jumps forward with his tactical detachment, followed by a massive fire from the devastators perched on the walls. A powerful and massive firefight. Five marines fall among the gate's ruins, but the horde of Slaanesh is decimated, the cultists leave their weapons and fall back, leaving their monstrous and flaming abandoned altar on their retreat.

OST - Battlefield 3 Battle sounds (urban combat)






On the western front, the Lord of Battle moves and overruns the shadowsword, the immense machine of death approaching and penetrate the armor of the super heavy tank with its huge chainsaw, devastating it. Consolidating its position directly on the platform that leads to the square of truth, the warengine of Khorne leaves behind it a Shadowsword in flames.


On the eastern front it try to go for broke. The last astartes mole mortar artillery gun opens fire, creating confusion among the approaching silver towers of Tzeentch, but it's not enough, and the towers advance, destroying the last mole mortar gun, in the same moment when from the rear the defilers open fire clearing the way near the far east of the front, destroying the last deathstrike missile launch tank.



Dragongaze has made ​​his choice, and launching the assault on the central front, he gained valuable minutes, loosening the inevitable enemy pressure along the avenue of splendours, and thanks to these minutes Daikun can perform his maneuver. The order comes suddenly: to advance with the two remaining baneblades against the horde of zombies on the eastern front. The baneblades advance, followed by the HQ tank chimera of Daikun. Dozens of zombies are crushed under the enormous tracks, while a furious cannonade reduce to shreds those wretched, shambling and soulless bodies, completely clearing the main district's road.



The movement of the baneblades company however, has created a hole on the central front, and a formation of Slaanesh Daemon Knights breaks over the ruins opening fire against the Astartes rapiers, destroying one; but they are astartes, and the last two open fire too, smashing down a dozen of zombies on the eastern front. Now the way is open for the allies retaliation.




From the chaos backlines the mortars of Nurgle open fire again, against the leman russ company. A terribile firestorm, that reduce to silence the tanks company, now back in disarray. The company hold position only because the space wolves, on the front, hold their.



Daikun see so escape from his hands one of the latest resources for repel the assault on the western flank. Those leman russ had to advance against the Lord of Battle. The western side is lost, there will be no forces for a realistic retaliation.

The two valiant commanders, Daikun and Dragongaze, exchange the latest news from the various fronts, and are solved for the last chance of victory, or at worst, limiting the defeat. The long trail of a thunderhawk appears on the horizon... Skyclaws, the battle's heroes. Only they have destroyed one-tenth of the entire enemy army.



Edited by Radgraglio - 14/4/2021, 12:41
view post Posted on 16/10/2014, 08:46





<< Luna fell into deep darkness,
Its brother grey tint:
The great hidden for a long time in the night,
He puts his claws in the ancient wound. >>

Constanze the Prophetess, burned as a Heretic 687.M38.

OST - Tron Legacy - Soundtrack OST - 18 C.L.U. - Daft Punk


<< That, my Nameless master, wasn't shown in the tarot. The orks arrival will not change the outcome of the war, but it certainly will delay the hour of our triumph. Rather than capitulate tomorrow, Ivanor will stand for days, maybe weeks. >>


<< It's undoubtedly a trickery of Tzeentch, Alexsander. We'll mockery of their prophecies, because only one is going to come true. That book will be in my hands, and the crown on your head, well before it is passed a single day. The eastern front has fallen. Let advance all the legions. Our booty is there, in front of us, perched in the royal palace of King Minos III°. Book, crown and glory we are entitled by law. Well, today we make history. The Horus Heresy is never finished. >>


Their name is legend.


The thunderhawk hurtling over the city, like an arrow throw from a Valkyrie's bow, it goes straight to the heart of the horde of Tzeentch. Heedless about the demonic as skimmer altar of Tzeentch, full of magic, which hits it with thunders and lightning bolts, to bring it down. In its wake, all the enemy fighters, previously in air patrol control. A series of trails, the thunderbolts, the swiftdeath interceptors and the doomwings, like a flock of crows swoop down upon it. Dozens, hundreds of holes are formed on the gunship's fuselage. A missile impacts inside, causing an internal explosion, but it's not enough! The thunderhawk flies! Flies and survive where no one had ever succeeded, and escapes, half destroyed, towards its objective, full of Revenge. Full of glory. Full of rage.



The skyclaws launch themselves from the landing thunderhawk upon the horde of Tzeentch. The result is a carnage. Chainsaws and Chainswords cry out for vengeance, and they get it. The battle is unequal, for the Astartes. The Lord of Change cast upon them its arcane spells and all his power, the flamers are overwhelmed by the astartes fury. The skyclaws fall, they die, but decimate their enemies. At dozens the cultists fall lifeless, and dozens of demons vanish among vermilion blue flames...







...only three sky claws survive, they fall back on a bombed building, leaving their epic thunderhawk destroyed on the ground. Sacrifice and glory, the Tzeentch horde, survived, moves and assaults them. The Lord of Change unfolds its majestically wings and the skyclaws heroes vanish into legend. There, where the demigods live. There, among the Gods and the giants.



OST - Bathory - Vinterblot

The horde of Tzeentch is now hardly damaged, and while regroup on the main street of the district, from the square of truth sound the horn of the rough riders, and as a painting of the second millennium, a horde of horsemen rushes down the slope, brandishing long laser lances. They cross the baneblades of Daikun, they cross the horde of zombies, now destroyed, trampling them in a glorious charge. The Lord of Change, surrounded, kills a dozen riders, but dies in battle. The horde of Tzeentch is overwhelmed, the few survivors are thrown from the ramparts, in panic. Rejected. The eastern front is virtually regained. A hope, short. Perhaps, the impossible can happen.







Edited by Radgraglio - 14/4/2021, 12:41
view post Posted on 16/10/2014, 09:52





The Eastern Front, devastated by hours of bombardment, from the ground as from the sky, it's now a tomb. The rough riders, victorious, consolidate their position, trying to find shelter, as they can, in the midst of the slaughter of bodies: cultists, imperial guards, sky claws, demons and nameless chaos aberrations. They wait around bolting around their joung as brave commander, with upturned noses, waiting for the inevitable enemy air bombardment. But the minutes pass, overlap, interweave, and all is quiet. The entire traitor and chaos air force, in an arrogant maneuver has spent its entire air power to overthrow the thunderhawk, and now has no further air support to repeal the riders and consolidate the conquest on the eastern front. A long quarter, full of terror and horror passes, when the on the sky darts a thunderhawk of the black legion, full of raptors, the same maker of the fall of the western front. The rough riders prepare to be annihilated, when a ground-to-air missile from the hunter of Krom Dragongaze's tactical company hurtling into the sky, forcing the thunderhawk to abort the mission. The thunderhawk of the black legion flies over the entire walls perimeter, and then climb up and fade between the red, dark clouds Ivanor, swallowed up in the neverending night, ready to return, in another war-theater, to unleash death and destruction, but for the Solemn Ivanor's gates, it's finally over.





The central front is stalled, the huge tower of Nurgle doesn't advance without the support of their infantry, now in retreat, as well as the traitor armored divisions remain in position, their guns silent. Beyond the gates ruins lie the space wolves, a guaranteed sentence of Death for who is so fool to dare to overcome them.



The engines of Slaanesh have done a massacre on the walls, but there isn't a breach to pass, and soon the first company of daemon knights that has crossed the gates ruin prepares to fall back where it came from.



It's over. Was glory. It's over, but the final battle is about to begin.


The Western Front, however, has collapsed. The chaos conquest is so deep that stop only just in front of the Avatar of Khaine, at the foot of the square of truth; and now the overwhelming forces of chaos broked inside consolidate their position and prepare to bring in reinforcements through the western breach, now definitely lost for the Allies forces, with these pieces on the chessboard.






Krom Dragongaze looks over the ruins the altar of Slaanesh, destroyed and abandoned. Behind stand out on the horizon the immense stone guardians. The keepers of the gates. The western gates are in ruins, but the prophecy was fulfilled. No enemy foot was able to go beyond them. The Emperor's will is manifested. The stone giants, huge, menacing look to the horizon again. Dumb and silent, no enemy, nor now, nor ever will pass the solemn Ivanor's gates, outside the Emperor's will.




Military result: draw
Tactical result: chaos lesser victory, opened a safe access route for the invasion, the battle rush in the internal districts


OST - The Gift of Fury - Conan the Barbarian Theme (Basil Poledouris)


TURN 6. end turn.
Objective conquered by chaos horde: 2
Objective contested by allies: 2
Objective in allies hands: 1 (value 2, because the central)

Edited by Radgraglio - 14/4/2021, 12:41
view post Posted on 22/10/2014, 19:07






An ancient thunderhawk, a vessel of the thirtieth millennium, of the same type as that of the black legion, darts from the internal districts along the great avenue of splendours. An ancient prototype of the modern thunderhawk, one of the few still left in the space wolves chapter. A regal heirloom, legacy of a forgotten time. The thunderhawk lands in the square of truth, while at the same predicaments General Daikun up the slope, leaving the baneblades company.

<< Show me the book. >>
<< Here it is, noble king of Fenris. >>
<< So go up, General. The Alaitoc Princess is already in the royal palace with King Minos III°. You as the Aristotle's book are awaited there, and I with you. it's time to write an end to this damn war. >>
<< My Lord, can I smoke inside your royal vessel? >>
<< Ha! Ha! You fool genius. Smoke as well as if you were at your home, although I don't think you smoke in this manner at your home! Brothers! For Russ and the Allfathers! To the king's palace! >>




The flight of the Varuna - epilogue

OST - Iron Maiden - Wasted Years (Low Definition)


The Varuna was swallowed. In silence, anxiously waiting, Commander Damat Rustem Pasha, Admiral Levian and the whole crew gathers in the storing chamber. Clang! Clang! Clang! A buzzing rattle, dozens of hammers, broke out all over the millennium Falkork, dozens of Gretchins armed with hammers and axes, storming the Varuna to open a hole, when the deafening noise of a crane that is hooked to the main door shake the ship as if it were a twig. The massive front door was torn off, and immediately rushed dozens of heavy footsteps in every hallway: invading, plundering, tossing. The horde of orks breaks inside, and even before that Damat could say a word, the men are all taken prisoner, with kicks and punches, and dragged out.


When Damat regains consciousness, he is in chains, kneeling, at the foot of a grotesque iron throne, on top of which two huge metal axes dominate the enormous room. The rest of his crew, beaten, chained in the dark, not so far. The warlord room is full of orks and green scum; and trophies of pompous imperial flavour, tacky and bordering on the ridiculous, but for those men in chains, there is nothing to laugh about.

<< You, wretched hummie, how, how dare you dash with your flying hut on my magnifizient, huge, intergalactic galleon! >>
<< Squig Hail! Great Warlord Kundra Von Grinda "Da Desert FOrX", we come as defeated, at your magnificent throne, our last hope, to have your precious and powerful aid. >>
<< I could destroy yą, Damat, you and your ridiculous vessel. >>
<< You could do it, but you haven't done it, great Warlord. >>
<< Napoleork haz moved all hiz armiez, at this very moment, tenz of Kroozer are fighting over the green rivą, against the battered Imperial fleet, and the heart of the system, Istanor, if I'm not mistaken, iz about to capitulate under the blows of the conspirator. And you? Where do you stand? >>
<< I'm on your side, big warlord. If the conspirators prevail, you will no longer have who can engage you in future, if King Minos III° will fall. And even if Napoleork extend his dominions in this star system, he, and you, will definitely be betrayed by the powers of chaos, that you can be certain, will not do it in half with anyone. I, great warlord, I offer you an opportunity, and I beg you to accept. Join us in the battle of Istanor! >>
<< Mmmmmm... there iz zomething good, and there iz some truth in what you are saying, hummie commandą, I was going to move my fleet to the kingdom of the Arch-Dictator of Gathrog. Do you think I'm so stupid as not to have done the same your considerations? But if we stay, if we fight with you, what do you offer me? >>
<< Every single scrap, from the sky to the ground is yours. You will have gold, much of this gold to become king yourself. And at the end of this bloody war, you will have the true imperial stars on your chest, if you want it. And a planet where prosper, Omeros will be annihilated, for the imperium, it's lost. On its ashes will rise your kingdom, and you will be General, among peers of the Twelfth Army. The first ork general of the imperium of men, and I'll call you Sir, and men, soldiers will bow down at your presence; and your armies will be feared. You will have all the autonomy you want, if you want to fight for other galactic star systems, you can do it. >>
<< Mmmmm .... Ghčneral Kundra Von Grinda. Sounds good, you know? A planet. Millions of imperial pounds. Do you know, Damat? You have made ​​inroads in my heart. Boyz! Let Repair their vessel, I want the whole fleet ready to go, we have no time to loze! We have a planet to devastate, hem ... to save! We will kick in the ass humans and beasts of chaos. Theze crazy chaos follower, I can't tolerate them, they don't know the business sense, for them it's all about... faith. I call it: WAAAAGHH!! >>


<< Eager of victory, hungry for glory. Furious for our unexpected reinforcements and blinded by their own desire, they have fallen into our trap, Eldar princess. As I was hoping, as you predicted. >>
<< Lord of the Wolves. Even the ancient Demigods are coming. For Istanor has come its Armageddon. The Great Hunt is never over, and in twilight time is ephemeral. The heresy is now and here. >>


Go to the next scenario

Edited by Radgraglio - 14/4/2021, 12:40
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